Frequently Asked Questions.
Having trouble putting your feelings into words?
Refer one of the categories below for creative message suggestions to include on your floral enclosure cards.
- Congratulations for the both of us for keeping the fire burning! You and our children are blessings from heaven. Love the life with you sweetheart!
- How true my feelings were I found out to be the best thing in my life was when you married me; Thank you my loving wife (loving husband),
- For all these years you have been my first thought in the morning and my last thought at night.
- Every year with you is sweeter than the last.
- You are perfect and every single day is really a blessed day with you. More great years for us to come to celebrate together! Happy anniversary!
- You have dressed my hopes and dreams with rainbows.
- For the years we share I know one thing for sure we make a wonderful pair.
- Still looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you.
- Nothing in this world could ever be as wonderful as the love you’ve given me.
- My love for you grows and grows with each passing year.
- One rose for every year you’ve brightened my life.
- If I had to do it over, I would marry you again and again.
- Nothing in this world Could ever be as wonderful as the love you’ve given me.
- May our marriage life be showered with so much companionship and strong love. Happy wedding anniversary and I love you more and more each day!
- I will not stop pampering you until I see that beautiful smile on your face again. I will do whatever it takes to show you how sorry I am. Forgive me baby.
- I didn’t mean to hurt you but I’m really sorry if anything I did offended you. You will forgive your darling boyfriend, won’t you?
- I promise I’ll think before I speak from next time. You know I did not mean any of the things I said to you yesterday, don’t you? I need you in my life and I’m very sorry.
- I feel like the worst person in the whole world. I’m truly sorry and I promise I’ll never do it again. Forgive me babe.
- Accept these flowers in place of the words I said.
- I wouldn’t have made a mistake with my mouth shut.
- I am sorry for arguing with you. It’s just that I want the best of things to happen in your life. Please forgive me baby.
- I miss that tender spot on your shoulder honey. Forgive me?
- I’m sorry for being such a pain but believe me, I didn’t mean to insult you.Forgive me darling.
- I’ll never forgive myself…but I’m hoping you will. I’m sorry.
- Hope you like the flowers and forgive me because I love you, and you know it’s true!
- Don’t forgive me just because I’m saying sorry. Forgive me because I love you and I don’t want to spend a single moment of my life fighting with you. Truly yours, now and forever.
- Just when the caterpillar thinks that it is all grown up, it becomes a butterfly. Happy Birthday Butterfly. Hope your birthday blossoms into lots of dreams come true!
- Wishing you a year filled with the same joy you bring to others!
- Hoping your wishes come true year after year.
- Well, you are another year older and you haven’t changed a bit. That’s great because you are perfect just the way you are.
- Like a fine wine, you improve each year.
- May you never stray from the true path as you continue your amazing journey.
- Hope your birthday is totally cool, really funtastic, wonderful, exciting, majorly awesome, rocking and HAPPY.
- I hope that for every candle on your cake you get a wonderful surprise
- May today be filled with sunshine and smiles, laughter and love.
- The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age
- On this special day, I wish you continuous good health, more wealth,love and happiness.
- Not just a year older, but a year better.
- Hope you love your new age. It loves you because it looks good on you.
- I hope you get lots of kisses and hugs! Enjoy this day, you deserve it!
- Party hard – this is YOUR day, and only yours! Hope your day is simply terrific!
- A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are – even if you are getting older.
- I surrender my wallet and bank accounts to you today. Pick what you want sweetheart. You deserve it.
- Are you going to stop turning more gorgeous every year before I pass out? Happy birthday sweetheart.
- You are the reason my life is so awesome right now. Happy birthday gorgeous.
- Happy birthday to the most beautiful wife in the world, From the luckiest husband in the world.
- You are the rose tinted glass through which I see the world. With you by my side, everything is perfect. Have a great birthday.
- Dear wifey, I want to tell you that I am in your life to fulfill every wish of yours. All you need to do is keep dreaming and I will try my best to bring all your dreams to life. Happy birthday sweetheart.
- Happy birthday to my dearest wife, best friend and a loyal supporter.
- Here’s to a great companion, a sweet friend, a sexy lady and the most beautiful wife in the world. Happy birthday to you dear.
- If sunshine had a face, it would be you. Happy birthday to my beautiful wife.
- People say that age brings maturity but I am happy to say that our married life is getting peppier with every passing year. Here’s a very happily married husband’s attempt at wishing his dream life partner a very happy birthday.
- I hope destiny keeps giving you wonderful surprises every single day of your life. I have a gut feeling that you are going to have a super year ahead.
- Today you are my master, I am your genie and your wish is my command.
- No gift in the world can match the awesomeness you bring in my life every day. Happy birthday sweetheart.
- Sending you a little cheer. Hope it helps a little just to know that warm thoughts and caring wishes are with you every day.
- Smile thinking the flowers are blooming just for you,
- Just a note to cheer you up and let you know that you are in our thoughts during these very difficult times.
- A cheerful greeting is sent your way and hoping you’re having a wonderful day.
- Hope loving thoughts can brighten up your day, and caring words can cheer. I think of you and also think that I wish I could be near.
- Cheer up! Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
- May things get better soon.
- Sending sunny thoughts to brighten your day.
- A cheery note coming especially to say: may cheerful thoughts and pleasant hours help to warm your days.
- Cheer up! May know that you’re thought about in a warm and special way; add a little bit of sunshine to your day today!
- I don’t mean to sound too optimistic but …Cheer Up!
- May God bless you with his love and care, and sail you smooth through your life ahead with joy and smiles.
- Congratulations on the union of this sweet couple. It will be a life of bliss for both.
- I can’t think of anyone else who compliments each other the way you both do. You are a match made in heaven!
- Your love has reached new heights. May your sweet pair be always happy and in bliss of love.
- Congratulations to the future bride and groom! May your relationship last forever and your love last for eternity.
- On your engagement, I wish you a lovely future together, filled with love, care and understanding.
- Wishing you world’s best and most beautiful wishes to make your life heavenly. Have a great life ahead.
- Congratulations on your engagement and all the luck for the romantic life ahead.
- You’re two special people who make a lovely couple, may you have a very happy future together.
- I wish you a very sweet engagement, and pray to God to shower your love with blessings.
- Congratulations! You two are perfect for one another. Have a wonderful life together.
- Thank You Papa, for being my pillar of strength and fountain of wisdom. Thank You for everything you are.
- Happy Father’s Day to the greatest Dad in the whole world!
- Thank you for everything Pops. I may not have said it often, but how could I let this day go by without saying how much you mean to me. Thank You for being the World’s Best Dad.
- Because you are always thought about in such a special way, because you always do so much to brighten any day. Because you bring such happiness to others all year through, this wishes on Fathers Day are specially meant for you. Happy Fathers Day!
- Dad, I am indeed blessed to have someone like you as my father. On this special day, I would like to thank you for everything. You are my hero dad. I Love You.
- Dad, wishing you a box of happiness – today, tomorrow and always. With all my love!
- You have been a great hero in my life,the greatest strength. Today, because of you I’m been bless in so many ways. From the bottom of my heart I want to say ‘Thank You Dad for Everything’. I Love You.
- Thanks for giving me the best things in life; Your time, your care, and your love. Happy Fathers day.
- You have taught me the ways of life, given me the strength to face its challenges. Thank you dad for your love and care!
- We may not have said it often, but how could we let this day go by without saying how much you mean to us. We love our dad with all our heart. You are the greatest dad in the whole world.
- Dad, you deserve my eternal gratitude for always being there for me.
- You are the guiding star of my life who held my finger and showed me the path of knowledge and life.Love yoy dad!
- Give yourself whatever gifts of time and rest you need to feel better and know that you’re surrounded by caring thoughts and prayers and heartfelt wishes. Rest easy. Get well.
- Hoping these flowers brighten not only your room.
- Loving thoughts are tucked inside this bundle of flowers!
- You will be fine soon. It’s just a bad phase in life which will disappear in some time. So be positive and get well soon.
- Good health starts with a happy heart. Hope these flowers start the job!
- Hoping that you’ll bloom again soon.
- Sending you healing thoughts and a little sunshine to brighten your day.
- Sending you some get well cheer!
- Being in the hospital is a downer, but there is good in everything, you are being served breakfast in bed, Get Well Soon.
- May family and friends bring you strength, comfort, and support to get well quickly
- Take good care of yourself, friend.We hope to see you up and running and back again.The place just isn’t the same without you.
- We miss you! Come back soon!
- Hope this happy get-well note adds sunshine to your day -and shows you that you’re thought of in a warm and special way.
- You dreamt, you believed, you strived and you achieved. You are an inspiration to all of us. Well done.
- Congratulations and best wishes for a succesful future.
- You are brilliant, able and ambitious. You shall always walk the glory road.
- May your degree unlock many doors to well deserved success.
- To happy endings and new beginnings. Congratulations!
- Graduation is a time to celebrate your achievements, prepare for a future of opportunities and embrace a world of infinite possibilities.
- With a successful graduation, comes bigger challenges and obstacles in life. Tackle them out for your glory with the same zeal and vigor. Well done!
- You have worked hard; now enjoy reaping the benefits!
- You can’t look up to your future if you have not learnt anything from the past. Have a learned life.
- Our hats go off to you, Graduate!
- Dream big, Reach far, Shine brightly, You’re a star
- May your Graduation brings in a new zeal in you, to chase new goals and enjoy every minute of your life.
- The journey of life brings both challenges and chances. May you carry your spirit to snatch the chances and beat the challenges. Congratulations on your Graduation. May you live a proud life.
- Congratulations on your new beautiful house! It is true that a new house brings new special moments, security and happiness. Enjoy your new house and more blessings to come!
- May your new home be filled with love and laughter, good fortune, sunshine, and happiness. Congratulations!
- Hope the move is just the start, of all that’s closest to your heart. Wishing you a fruitful life in your new home.
- Congratulations on your new home!! Wishing you all the very best settling in and making it your own.
- A new environment, new experiences, new responsibilities, new pleasures, and new life are yours now that you have a new house.
- May happiness & love move in with you and you create countless memories in your new home.
- Congratulations!! May you find great happiness at your new address. All the best.
- We’re all really happy that you’ve finally moved into your new home. Wishing you lots of peace and enjoyment at your new address.
- We’re all really excited that you’re finally in!! May your new house give you lots of happiness, peace and enjoyment
- Here’s wishing you a new home filled with joy and cheer, bringing you happiness year after year.
- No relationship comes with a lifetime guarantee. Thankfully some relationships differ. Thank you for being there. I love you Mom.
- You have been not just a mother to me. You have been my best friend. More than that Mom, you have been the best present God ever gave me. I really love you so much.
- If I have never said thank you for bringing me into the world I’d like to do that now.
- If there was a day for everything you have given to me as a mother, it would be Mother’s Day every day.
- Thank you’ seems very small to say when I think about all the sacrifices you have made for me. I love you dearest Mommy
- I can’t be more thankful than I already am to be blessed with a mother as loving and caring as you. I just want you to know that you are always in my thoughts even if I am miles away.
- On this auspicious day of Mother’s day, may the God Almighty bless you my dearest Mother and keep you safe at all times. May you have a long and healthy life. Happy Mother’s day.
- If all the mothers in the world were to compete on who is a better mom, you would win! Cause dearest Mom you are the best of the best! I love you a lot.
- Words are not enough to tell you how much you mean to me. I love you so much. You are everything to me that ever mattered to me. Happy Mother day.
- Thank you’ will never be enough to express how grateful I am for all that you have done for me. Happy Mothers day to you Mom. I will always love you.
- Mom with you being a part of my life I need not even ask for anything else from God. You are everything I will ever need. I love you mother.
- I can never thank God enough for you dear Mother. Who else would love me so unconditionally, bring a smile to my face when I am low and forgive me no matter what I do. Thank you for everything Mom.
- If beauty had a name, it would be you. If love had a face, it would be yours. If I had a destination, it would be in your arms. I love you dear Mom.
- Congratulations on your newest family member!! May you cherish this special time and we all hope that it’s filled with lots of wonderful memories.
- Congratulations on the safe arrival of your newest family member!! May babyhood be filled with lots of joy and make for lots of wonderful memories. All the best
- Enjoy your journey into parenthood and have fun.
- Wishing you much happiness as you welcome your new little bundle of joy into your family!
- Hope your newborn brings you all the happiness you deserve.
- May your life be filled with love and peace with your newest arrival.
- Parenthood is one of the best journeys in life. Enjoy the ride.
- Congratulations on your new role as proud parents of a new, happy and healthy baby!! We all hope this is a wonderful time filled with lots of joy and happiness for your new family.
- Welcome Baby [name]! There’s so much to see & do so much adventure waiting for you, time 4 fun and time to run, everything’s new under the sun.
- Welcome to the world little one, it is a place full of delights and wonders.
- We’re all really excited that your new baby has arrived safe and sound!! May your new role as proud parents be filled with much joy and happiness.
- Wishing you all the best in this exciting new stage of your lives with your new baby.
- We share in your celebration of the new life you created!
- This is such a wonderful time for your family and we all hope that babyhood is filled with lots of fun, love and cuddles. All the very best
- Congratulations!! May your newest arrival also bring with it much joy and happiness for you both as new parents. We’re all thinking of you during this exciting time
- Glad to hear that you are starting your own business after the excellent work experience. My good wishes are always with you.
- Congratulations on your opening. May the success that has come your way today lead you to a bigger achievement in the years to come.
- There is nothing more beautiful than a dream in bloom! Congratulations!
- Heartiest congratulations on your opening.
- A toast & cheer on your official opening.
- We extend hearty good wishes & congratulations.
- Success is delivered only to the deserving! Congratulations to your new adventure. Congratulations on scaling new heights!
- Congratulations and best wishes to you on your new venture.
- Warmly congratulations on the grand opening of your shop!
- Cheers for a better venture ahead! May your business boom and grow with success!
- Warmly congratulations to you on this auspicious occasion. 客似云来,步步高升
- 财源滚滚达三江 ,生意兴隆通四海
- 吉祥开业,大富启源
- 开业大吉,黄金遍地
- 宏图大展,裕业有孚
- 生意如春浓,财源如春潮
- 财源广进,生意兴隆
- 生意兴隆,广聚天下客,一揽八方财
- 生意似春笋,财源如春潮
- 大展鸿图,开张大吉
- Your hard work and diligence are an inspiration to everyone, and indispensable to me.
- Your hard work and dedication are appreciated today and all year.
- They say a combined effort can break down the wall of impossibility. Thanks for helping break down the walls!
- Dedication is the fuel for progress and growth. Thank you for your dedication.
- Your hard work and dedication are appreciated today and all year.
- Thanks for putting up with me, you are the greatest.
- For running a tight ship with grace and gentility. Wishing you a happy Secretary’s Day.
- Thanks for being on my team! Great job!
- You brighten up the room with your smile. Thanks for being more uplifting than my morning coffee. Happy Secretary’s Day.
- What would we do without you? Thank you for all you do!
- Brilliance arises from ordinary people working in extraordinary ways.Thank you for being so extraordinary!!
- Please know our loving thoughts embrace you.
- Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the loss of your loved one.
- My thoughts and prayers are with you.
- Thinking of you in these difficult times.With deepest condolences.
- May the peace that comes from the memories of love shared comfort you now and in the days ahead.
- Our hearts are filled with sorrow. With deepest sympathy.
- We’re sharing your sorrow.
- Words cannot even begin to express our sorrow. You have our full support and please remember that you are not alone.
- With heartfelt sympathy and understanding thoughts in this time of sadness.
- Fondest remembrances.We love you and are thinking about you often these days.
- May you take comfort in knowing there is one more angel above us.
- Words are not enough to convey my sypathies at a time like this but I just wanted to say I’ll be by your side.
- May the Lord comfort your heart as only He can do.
- You are in our thoughts and prayer.May these flowers in some way help to express our heartfelt sympathy.
- We wish to express our sympathy in your loss and to let you know that our thoughts are with you.
- For Chinese wording example
[To]深切哀悼(deceased name) 先生 or 女士逝世
[Message Content] 高山仰止or 哲人其萎 or 音容宛在 or 深深怀念 or 驾返瑶池 or 往生极乐
[From](sender name)
- Sorry I am away, but soon I will be home to stay. My heart flies like a dove, because you are the one I love.
- Tucked inside these flowers are thoughts from afar.
- Every time you look at these flowers know that someone far away is thinking of you.
- Blowing you a kiss from across the miles.
- Sending you a floral hug.
- The miles cannot separate our hearts!
- So far and yet so near you.
- Thinking about you is one of my favorite “thinks.”
- Sorry I am away, but soon I will be home to stay. My heart flies like a dove, because you are the one I love.
- The efforts you have extended are sincerely appreciated.
- Sending love along with a thankful heart.
- You have a special way of making the world a better place.
- Even if every flower in the world had a voice I couldn’t send as many as it would take to say thanks enough!
- Words are not enough to express my gratitude for you. Thank you all for your love and support!
- My life is beautiful because of you. Thank you for your care and love.
- I couldn’t have achieved this without your support. Thank you for everything.
- Thanks – you really made a difference.
- Thank you just isn’t enough! You’re the best!
- You have always been kind and generous to me. The thanks come from the bottom of my heart.
- A true friend is the one who walks into your life when everyone else has left. Thank you for being there for me when I needed someone.
- I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you.
- Thanks for lending your ears and listening to my rants. A big hug and lots of thanks.
- (For flowers delivered on February 13th): Couldn’t wait another day to say I Love You!
- (For flowers delivered on February 13th): I love you so much I couldn’t wait for Valentine’s Day!
- Your presence in my life taught me the difference between love and infatuation.
- I love you so much.
- I send a kiss inside the petals of each rose…
- 8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning… I love you
- Let’s share the world. A sea is for you, and waves are for me. The sky is for you, and stars are for me. The sun is for you, and light is for me. Everything is for you, and you are for me..
- You take my breath away…today and every day.
- Mad For Only You!!! I care more than you know.
- When i look at you, i cannot deny there is God, cause only God could have created some one as wonderful and beautiful as you.
- My soul is shattered without your arms to hold me,Like a mirror without a reflection. I Love U my Valentine.Happy Valentine’s Day.
- May this Valentine’s Day be filled with love, understanding, and contentment as you journey through life with those you hold dear.
- No poems no fancy words I just want the world to know that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart. Happy Valentine’s Day .
- It is hard to talk when your in love because when i look into your beautiful i get my breath taken away.
- We are praying that God guides you in your new adventure. May God pour out blessings on you two.
- Here’s to success in your new titles, bride, groom, husband, wife, and any more you will pick up over the years together
- May the coming years, fill your lives with love and happiness.
- May you have a long and loving life together.
- Wishing you two an abundance of love and happiness.
- Wishing you many years of joy and happiness.
- May your joining together bring you more joy than you can imagine.
- Wishing you a wonderful beginning, and love to last a lifetime.
- For the Bride and Groom Wishing you love in your hearts, joy in your home.
- Best wishes for a lifetime of love and happiness.
- May you celebrate every day together the way you have celebrated today.
- We are glad to see blessing in your lives. We hope your wedding goes well and you have a great start to your marriage
- May your marriage be blessed with faith, joy, and love.
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